Service Dog Training

Service Dog Selection

Selection is now $300.00 + GST!!!

Colleen will seek out litters to temperament test based on client needs and desires.

Colleen is a certified temperament tester with years of experience. She tests puppies at 49 days of age to determine suitability for multiple requirements. She has written a more evolved test to reflect the current scientific research in animal behaviour.

She uses a multifaceted, evolved temperament test to ensure accuracy.

Service Dog Training

Service Dog Training

Puppy training ($299.00 + GST)

Therapy Training ($325.00 + GST)

Service dog training ($875.00 + GST)

10, 1/2 hour sessions
Colleen will take the client and service dog prospect through tasks specific to the handler requirements. Success will of course be based on practice and will be geared towards successful completion of the provincial certification.

*Separately the cost of these options is $1,799.00 + GST, but purchased as the Service package, the cost is only $1,645.00 + GST!!!