Virtual Puppy Training

Virtual Puppy Comes Home

VIRTUAL PUPPY COMES HOME | FOUR 30-minute sessions

Do you have a new puppy? Would like to know the best products on the market? Would you like to have a handle on how to problem solve, train and handle your new puppy?

We cover nutrition, treats, toys, leashes, collars and harnesses, grooming, handling, Recall, Recall Games and Emergency Recall, starting cues, how to train, potty training, and problem solving – proactive rather than reactive.

The price for Puppy Comes Home is:
$224.00 + GST for FOUR 30-minute sessions

Get started with your puppy’s training by registering today for our customized virtual training sessions in Zoom – November/December start dates available!

VIRTUAL PUPPY COMES HOME | SIX 30-minute sessions

VIRTUAL PUPPY COMES HOME | SIX 30-minute sessions

Would you like instruction and guidance while you introduce your dog to various stimuli in the environment? Does your dog show mild to moderate behavioural challenges either in the home or out in the world of distractions and competing motivators? An extra hour will give you time to focus on resolving these challenges.

$321.60 + GST for SIX 30-minute session

Get started with your puppy’s training by registering today for our customized virtual training sessions in Zoom – November/December start dates available!



Are you struggling with a dog who appears aggressive to strangers or other dogs either in the home or outside in the real world? Are you having a difficult time walking your dog(s) past distractions or introducing your dog to real life situations without anxiety? Are you struggling with leaving your dog home alone; as they cry or howl when you leave; to come back and find things destroyed or that they’ve hurt themselves in anxiety?

This option is designed to not only give you the tools to set both you and your dog up for success but also to practice those new skills with progress under supervision and instruction.

EIGHT 30-minute sessions, with the possibility of some sessions taking place in public to give you the joy that every dog owner and dog wants to feel, and allow you to walk your dog with pride and confidence.

$403.20 + GST for EIGHT 30-minute sessions

Get started with your puppy’s training by registering today for our customized virtual training sessions in Zoom – November/December start dates available!

Virtual Puppy Comes Home

VIRTUAL PUPPY COMES HOME | 10 sessions & up

Are you struggling with a dog whose anxiety or aggression/reactivity is far beyond your means of control? Does your dog lash out seemingly with no signs beforehand? Do you feel like you’ve tried everything and are at the end of your “leash”?

This TEN 30-minute session training program is designed to address reactivity and anxiety, even in the most extreme cases.

Many people choose this option if they are experiencing reactivity issues where the dog has already failed (snapped or growled at people, or fought with other dogs) or if they’re managing issues with more than one dog.

10 sessions & up – $48.00 + GST per session

Get started with your puppy’s training by registering today for our customized virtual training sessions in Zoom – November/December start dates available!

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